Releasing Ontempi's Overcast on The Voltage Control

26/11/24·1 min read

One of the interesting things about traveling for meetings is the unexpected creative inspirations. While visiting Seattle I've been exploring the local record stores, and keeping my spirits up in the gloomy winter weather via a steady progression through the city's coffee shops and cafes. I may have gone a little overboard with both and found myself with a pile of records to sample, a fresh pot of coffee brewing and a storm outside to pass the time by.

The result was some lovely inspiration to break out the Rhodes piano, fire up the turntable, and put together a little piece of music named both after the city and my local cafe here in Capitol Hill. To avoid having these pile up on my hard drives (and not being a Trovaire track) I've released it through The Voltage Control as the first of a series of Seattle tracks.

Ontempi's "Overcast" is available now on Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube and all the usual outlets.

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