Pressing vinyl at Suitcase Records Brisbane

05/11/24·2 min read

Today I got to do something I didn't think I'd get the chance to see in person. And that is to watch as an album of our music got pressed to vinyl. Thanks to the team at Suitcase Records in my old hometown of Brisbane, I was able to jump in right as they were finishing up a pressing for a certain legendary Brisbane band (I can't say which just yet) and about to begin ours.

The team walked me through the entire process from ground pellets, to wiggly tubes, to melted pucks, and the actual pressing, using what is the first vinyl press in the state of Queensland (let alone the city of Brisbane) in over 30 years.

Not only was this a joy to see in person, and to take the very first test pressing as a souvenir of the moment, but it speaks well to the health of the music culture in the region. I've no doubt that this is still very much a company driven by passion, as the Suitcase Records team are wonderfully and proudly independent and community oriented, so it's been a rewarding experience to work closely with them throughout the process. Especially as this fits with the whole origin or the Trovaire project in the first place - a couple of friends making some art for their local community, working with people we respect and enjoy spending time with, and putting in the extra effort to reflect something that matters in the history of a place and culture.

As for the album, the release date is yet to be determined, and I'm jumping on a plane back to the USA in a few days, so I won't get to see a finished product myself for quite a while. But I'm so glad I got to see some of them being made in person.

PS: keep an eye on the Trovaire page on the Suitcase Records store for the vinyl release when it's in stock.

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