Open source your way into a quantum computing career

05/05/23·1 min read

The Linux Foundation have uploaded the video of my talk at Open Source Summit in Vancouver this year. The talk is titled "Open Source Your Way Into a Quantum Computing Career", and contains a run-through of the current state of the open source projects in quantum computing, the kinds of roles that are being hired, and what the funding and economics of the industry mean for job prospects.

I effectively rewrote the talk the days before, having been moved by the announcment of FAANG layoffs, which affected a lot of my friends and former colleagues. The slightly gonzo elements of sharing my story and having the call-to-action at the end was an attempt to be helpful, offer a human face as someone who came from open source roles at Red Hat as a path to my role as Head of Product at Quantum Brilliance. I hope to be able to do more than this, but it's a start.